Thursday, October 31, 2019
The ban on smoking in public places Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The ban on smoking in public places - Essay Example Even then researchers had concerns about the hazards of smoking as they pertained to second hand smoke and people who inhaled it(Comfort pp 14). Commonly referred to as passive smoke, those who were around smoke without actually smoking themselves soon proved to have several definitive health risks associated with being near the smoke and inhaling it through passive (second hand methods). â€Å"Medical concerns about the dangers of passive smoking--inhaling other peoples tobacco smoke--can be traced back to the 1920s, and there is also now a widespread consensus that such passive smoking can cause disease. Other peoples tobacco smoke, either from the burning tip of a cigarette or the smoke that is exhaled by the smoker, is classed as a known human carcinogen by the US Environmental Protection Agency(Comfort pp 14). â€Å" For the most part public place for the purpose of legislative ban incorporated any â€Å"enclosed or semi-enclosed area that members of the public have access to which provides a business or a service including workplaces, buildings and public transport(Comfort pp 14). â€Å" â€Å"Direct benefits revolve mainly about respiratory health, and regular exposure to smoke may trigger asthma in infants and young children. The indirect benefits to young peoples health associated with smoke-free policies is seen to relate to the general reinforcement of the messages that non-smoking is now increasingly the norm within the community and would thus help to promote non-smoking lifestyles in future adult generations(Comfort pp 14).â€
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Public health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Public health - Essay Example It also aims at providing outstanding programs to its clients (Phi, 2012). The organization identifies chronic diseases as a major factor to mortality rate and major cause of disability. â€Å"Cancer, diabetes, and asthma†are its major identified chronic diseases that are also associated with ethnicity and people’s level of income. This identifies consideration social elements such as â€Å"poverty, education, access to care and local community environment†as initial measures to controlling the chronic diseases. In its role in the public health sector, the organization has initiated social interventions such as â€Å"disease surveillance, capacity building, research, evaluation, policy advocacy, and leadership development†for controlling the diseases (Phi, 2012, p. 1). One of the organization’s blogs is the call for support following the experienced hurricane sandy. The blog effectively communicates its appeal for donation of material commodities such as food, as well as social support. It also calls for blood donation towards managing the victims’ conditions (Phi, 2012). Mortality defines the rate of deaths in a subject area and is measured in units per 100000 people in a population. In a considered set of data between the year 2006 and 2008, San Francisco registered a mortality rate of about 601 deaths per 100000 people. A review of the city’s mortality rate also indicates variability by ethnicity. Death rates among African Americans were for example the highest at a value of 1302 per 100000 people. Whites, Latinos, and the other races with rates of 724, 535 and 446 deaths per 100000 populations respectively followed this (Health, 2012). The city’s trend in mortality rate by ethnic groups corresponds to the Public Institute’s report that chronic diseases prevalence is dependent on social factors. It can
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Importance of Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI)
Importance of Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) Ankle Brachial Pressure Index test use as a tool of foot assessment in diabetic patient to reduce rate of lower extremity amputation. INTRODUCTION This essay will reflect on the importance of ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) use as a tool while performing foot assessment (FA) to identify diabetic patients who are at risk of foot ulcers and detecting vascular impairment in diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) hence preventing lower extremity amputation (LEA). FA helps to detect the level of risk of a diabetic patient developing a foot ulcer (Singh N et al., 2005, Grawford F et al.,2007). When there is no early detection and intervention, foot ulcers deteriorate resulting in amputation of the affected limb (Kerr M, 2012, Young MJ et al., 2008). All diabetic patients should perform annual FA to identify any abnormality (American Diabetes Associaton 2012) and those who are at risk should have FA done more frequently (Frykberg RG et al., 2006). Gibbs’ model of reflection (Gibbs 1988) is used in this discussion because it is easy to use, simple and is a good guidance of reflection. 25% of diabetic people will develop foot ulcer due to diabetes (Singh N et al., 2005) while 85% of diabetic patients with foot ulcers can lead to LEA (Pecoraro RE et al., 1990, Margolis DJ et al., 2005). â€Å"The emotional and financial costs of diabetic foot disease are high†(Close-Tweedie, 2002). Approximately 400 cases of LEA are performed yearly in Mauritius due to complication of Diabetes, costing about Rs 50,000 to Rs 100,000 for each limb amputation (Apsa International 2014, Mauritius Research Council 2012). However 85% of level of amputation can be reduced through a multidisciplinary team by early detection of foot problems, proper FA, empowering patient by giving them health education, close monitoring and proper care (International Diabetes Federation 2005, Pecoraro RE, 1990). DESCRIPTION The Government of Mauritius is doing much effort to increase the quality of life of diabetic people, national digital retinal screening service and podiatry services are available (Millenium Development Goals Status Report 2013). Foot ulcer clinics have been set up in all regional hospitals in Mauritius. During my training as a foot ulcer nurse I happened to do an ABPI (see Appendix 1) while doing FA with a patient whom I will call Mr John who has a non healing ulcer in his left hallux. His foot has never been assessed by a health care professional and he was not aware of FA. The ABPI result was 0.7 (see Appendix 2) indicating that he has moderate peripheral arterial disease. He was referred to the vascular surgeon by the treating Doctor. The result was confirmed through a colour duplex Doppler showing significant and arterial stenosis below the knee by greater than 60%. The patient underwent revascularization. Proper management of the wound was done, compression was not applied (Vow den K and Vowden P, 2002) and now the ulcer is showing good signs of healing. FEELINGS Getting the opportunity to follow the foot ulcer management course made me overwhelm. I was so enthusiastic to learn new ways and techniques of FA that I will apply with patients acting as a barrier to protect them from stumbling into the pitfall of foot complications hence preventing amputations. Before undertaking the module I was not aware of the importance of FA in preventing LEA. A 10g Semmes Weinstein monofilament is used to check loss of sensation in neuropathy and a hand-held doppler use to calculate ABPI to assess the vascular flow was far from my know how. After undertaking the module and wider reading with endeavours, though there were many ups and downs due to time constraint, now I feel more self-confident and have more expertise in practicing ABPI while doing FA. Having been able to detect the cause of non healing ulcer of Mr John through an ABPI while doing FA, I felt very happy and eventually this has motivated me to learn the module more correctly. I was determined t o put ABPI technique into practice in my field of work so that I can manage patient correctly and refer them to the appropriate channel for specific treatment through multidisciplinary team (John Ovretveti, 1996). EVALUATION I have learnt that foot problems related to diabetes occur very quickly, causing rapid tissue breakdown which is often complicated by infection (Edmonds et al., 1986) and eventually may lead to LEA (Close-Tweedie J, 2002). Factors influencing wound healing are hyperglycaemia (McInnes, 2001), change in metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins because of insulin deficiency (Cooper, 1990). Furthermore many factors prevent the normal process of wound healing at cellular level including delayed closure, contraction retarded due to delayed myofibroblast phenotype, granulocytes effect, no collagen synthesis, chemotaxis defects and no growth factors (Close-Tweedie J, 2002). Therefore, if there is decrease in tissue perfusion and oxygenation, wound healing will not take place (Terranova, 1991). Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) in the lower extremity is a condition where there is narrowing of arteries in the legs and feet due to accumulation of fatty substance called plaque, inside the walls of arteries. This result in poor blood supply to the muscles and tissues in the legs and feet hereby causing pain, tissue death and even gangrene. It is important to assess the arterial perfusion as impaired circulation contribute to non healing ulcer (Akbari CM, 2003). When assessing diabetic foot, the palpation of ankle pulses should not be used alone to detect arterial disease (Vowden K and Vowden P, 2002) and â€Å"distal perfusion can only be accurately assessed by the correct application of Doppler†(Whiteley et al., 1998). The ABPI is a simple, quick, non-invasive tool use to identify PAD(Bhasin N and Scott DJA, 2007). However, ABPI is not as easy to perform as it appears. I have done an ABPI with Mr John and this has helped in identifying the cause of the non healing ulcer. This was due to impaired blood circulation and the patient has been directed to the proper pathway to restore the blood flow. Hence this has helped the wound to show good signs of healing. ANALYSIS It is through performing an ABPI with Mr Brown that the cause of the non healing wound has been detected. I am pondering on how many patients have non healing ulcers due to impaired circulation and FA has not been done including ABPI. So ABPI is done on all diabetic patients with or without foot ulcers who are coming to our clinic for FA and they are being referred to proper channel for further management. My aim is to prevent diabetic patients to have foot complications and reduce the rate of LEA. ABPI result help us to evaluate the vascular supply, level of ischaemia, level of pain in the leg, determine the prognosis for patients having vascular disease and guide whether the patient should undergo revascularization or do angioplasty, stenting or bypass surgery of lower extremity. (Grenon SM et al., 2009). By interpreting the ABPI resuIts, now I am sure and certain of what types of bandaging to use, what dressing materials and medications to use to treat and help healing of ulcers. ABPI also guides us to decide whether debridement of the wound should be done or not and what type of offloading techniques to be implemented. CONCLUSION The fundamentals basics for healing of DFU are good perfusion, debridement, infection control, and pressure mitigation. To obtain successful outcome in the management of DFU is to recognize the etiological factors (Wu SC et al., 2007). Doing an ABPI help to improve the management of diabetic patients. The ABPI assessment was of great help to know the risk of the foot. For those having no ulcers, they are being managed by the correct channel to prevent complications from arising, while those having an ulcer are also diverted to correct pathway of treatment including surgeons and foot care nurses to manage foot problems correctly under the guidance of all expertise available at the hospital level. ACTION PLAN Now having well grasped the module workbook, I have allocated myself with a good time of reflection about how previously diabetic patients, with or without ulcers, were being treated and what was the complication and drawbacks we had in our system. After I have well understood the importance of ABPI during my studentship at the module and from my personal experience gained during the management of diabetic foot ulcer, now I make it a must that all diabetic patients, attending hospital from any sections, have an appointment to screen their foot with an ABPI done. Eventually, canalizing them through the correct pathways for further investigations and management required with the goal to reduce the rate of LEA. However, ABPI is contraindicated when there is excruciating pain in the leg or foot, in the presence of deep venous thrombosis as the thrombus may be dislodged and in patient with renal failure doing dialysis. ABPI results should be interpreted with care in patients having heavily calcified or incompressible vessels, where they may be misleadingly high. (Grenon SM et al., 2009). REFLECTION In this work piece of reflection, I have demonstrated how I use ABPI on diabetic patients to reduce the rate of LEA. Observing the result being achieved by this assessment, other members of health care providers insist about the implementation of this typical assessment. We are now more eager to know about the ABPI result on diabetic patients prior moving forward with any kind of management. I feel happy that my knowledge gained from the module are being put into practice and ABPI assessment has proved to be a great tool to reduce LEA which has been the aim of the government since long. REFERENCES Akbari CM, Macsata R, Smith BM, Sidawy AN. Overview of the diabetic foot. Semin Vasc Surg 16:3-11, 2003. American Diabetes Association. Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2012. Diabetes Care, Volume 35, Supplement 1, January 2012., (2014). Foot Care Clinic | Apsa International. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 June 2014]. Bhasin N and Scott DJA. Ankle Brachial Pressure Index: identifying cardiovascular risk and improving diagnostic accuracy. JR Soc Med. Jan 2007; 100(1): 4–5. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 June 2014]. Close-Tweedie J. Diabetic foot wounds and wound healing: a review. Diabetic Foot Vol 5, No 2, 2002. Cooper DM (1990). Optimising wound repair: a practice within nursing’s domain. Nursing clinics of North America 25(1): 165-80. Department of Health, 2001. National Service Framework for Diabetes:Standards. [online] Available at [Accessed 04 June 2014]. Edmonds ME, Blundell MP, Morris HE et al (1986). The diabetic foot: impact of a foot clinic. The Quarterly Journal of Medicine 232: 763-71. Frykberg RG, Zgonis T, Armstrong DG, Driver VR, Giurini JM, Kravitz SR, Landsman AS, Lavery LA, Moore JC, Schuberth JM, Wukcih DK, Andersen C, Vanore JV: Diabetic Foot Disorders : a clinical practice guideline (2006 revision). J Foot Ankle Surgery 45 (Suppl 5): S1-S66, 2006. Gibbs G, 1988. Learning by Doing: A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods. Oxford: Oxford Further Education Unit (online) Available at: [Accessed 17 June 2014]. Grawford F, Inkstor M, Kleijnen J, Fatey T. Predicting foot ulcers in patients with diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. QJ Med 2007; 100(2): 65-86. Grenon S. Marlene, Gagnon Joel and Hsiang York. Ankle-Brachial Index for Assessment of Peripheral Arterial Disease. The New England Journal of Medicine 2009; 361: e40/ November 2009. [online] Available at: [ Accessed 22 June 2014]. International Diabetes Federation (2005) Clinical Guidelines Task Force; Global guidance for Type 2 Diabetes. Brussels. International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot, 2011. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 June 2014]. Kerr M. Foot care for people with diabetes: the economic case for change. NHS Diabetes, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2012. Margolis DJ, Allen-Taylor L, Hoffstad O, Berlin JA. Diabetic neuropathic foot ulcers and amputation. Wound Repair Regen 13:230-236,2005. Mauritius Research Council, Ebene. Impact of food quality on human health, Feb 2012. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 June 2014]. McInnes A (2001). Guide to the assessment and management of diabetic foot wounds. The Diabetic Foot 4 (Suppl 1):S1-11. Millennium Development Goals Status Report 2013, Government of the Republic of Mauritius. [online] Available at [Accessed 21 June 2014]. Ovretvet John. Five ways to describe a multidisciplinary team. Journal of Interprofessional care, vol 40, no 2, 1996. Pecoraro RE, Reiber GE, Burgess EM. Pathways to diabetic limb amputation. Basis for prevention. Diabetes Care, 1990; 13(5): 513-21. Singh N, Armstrong DG, Lipsky BA: Preventing foot ulcers in patients with diabetes. JAMA 293: 217-228, 2005. [online] Available at: [Accessed 02 June 2014]. Vowden Kathryn and Vowden Peter. Hand-held Doppler Ultrasound: The assessment of lower limb arterial and venous disease. Huntleigh Healthcare 2002. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 June 2014]. Terranova A (1991). The effects of diabetes mellitus in wound healing. Plastic Surgical Nursing 11: 20-5. Whiteley MS, Fox AD and Horrocks M (1998). Photoplethysmography can replace hand-held Doppler in the measurement of ankle/brachial indices. Ann R Colll Surg Engl 80 (2): 96-98. Wu Stephanie C, Driver Vickie R, Wrobel James SandDavid G Armstrong David G. Foot ulcers in the diabetic patient, prevention and treatment. Vascular Health and Risk Management Feb 2007; 3(1): 65–76. Young MJ, McCardle JE, Randlall LE, et al. Improved survival of diabetic foot ulcer patint’s 1995-2008: possible impact of aggressive cardiovascular risk management. Diabetes Care 2008; 31: 2143-47. APPENDIX 1 – Procedure of performing ABPI by Huntleigh Healthcare 2002 Patient is reassured and procedure is explained. Make sure patient is in supine position, comfortable, relaxed with sufficient rest. †¢ An appropriate sized cuff is placed around the upper arm and the brachial systolic blood pressure is measured. †¢ The equipment and the arm should be at heart level. †¢ When the brachial pulse is felt, ultrasound contact gel is applied. †¢ The probe of the Doppler should be at an angle of 45 degree and is moved till the best signal is obtained. †¢ The cuff is inflated until the signal disappeared, then is deflated slowly so that the probe is not moved from the line of the artery and at the point where the signal returns, the pressure is recorded. †¢ The procedure is repeated in the other arm. †¢ The highest of the two values of systolic pressure is used for the ABPI calculation. †¢ The systolic pressure of the ankle is taken by placing an appropriate sized cuff around the ankle immediately above the malleoli. The equipment should be at heart level. If any ulcer is present, it should be protected with a plastic film. †¢ The dorsalis pedis pulse is felt and contact gel is applied. The cuff is inflated until the signal disappear, then is deflated slowly and ensure the probe is not moved from the line of the artery and at the point where the signal returns, the pressure is recorded. †¢ The procedure is repeated for the posterior tibial. †¢ The highest systolic pressure reading is used to calculate the ABPI for that leg. †¢ Same procedure is applied in the other leg. †¢ The ABPI is calculated for each leg using the formula below. ABPI = Highest systolic pressure recorded at the ankle of dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial for that leg divided by the highest systolic brachial pressure of right and left arm. APPENDIX 2 – Reading of ABPI by Huntleigh Healthcare 2002 ABPI > 1.0 to 1.4 is considered as normal ABPI ABPI > 0.5 and ABPI ABPI >1.4 indicates calcification Page 1
Friday, October 25, 2019
Langston Hughes The Weary Blues Essay examples -- Music Blues Jazz Mu
Langston Hughes' The Weary Blues      Jazz music is often associated with long, lazy melodies and ornate rhythmical patterns. The Blues, a type of jazz, also follows this similar style. Langston Hughes' poem, "The Weary Blues," is no exception. The sound qualities that make up Hughes' work are intricate, yet quite apparent. Hughes' use of consonance, assonance, onomatopoeia, and rhyme in "The Weary Blues" gives the poem a deep feeling of sorrow while, at the same time, allows the reader to feel as if he or she is actually listening to the blues sung by the poem's character.      The Blues musical move was prominent during the 1920s and '30s, a time known as the Harlem Renaissance. Blues music characteristically told the story of someone's anguish, the key factors, and the resolution of the situation. This is precisely what Hughes' poem, "The Weary Blues," describes. Hughes uses the rhythmic structure of blues music and the improvisational rhythms of jazz in his innovative development of "The Weary Blues." The poem opens by first setting the scene. "Down on Lenox Avenue" the speaker heard a "mellow croon" (lines 2 and 4). The tune was played on a piano and sung by a man with the emotions coming from the "black man's soul" (15). The piano man expresses his feelings of loneliness and dissatisfaction with his life in lines 19-22 and 25-30: "Ain't got nobody in all this world,           Ain't got nobody but ma self.           I's gwine to quite ma frownin'           And put my troubles on the shelf."           "I got the Weary Blues           And I can't be satisfied.           Got the Weary Blues           And can't be satisfied-           I ain't happy no mo'           And I wish that I had died." The piano man, in a slightly backward order, tells how he wished that he had died because he feels so alone. But, instead of an ultimate end, the piano man decides to "put his troubles on the shelf," or rather, push them aside and continue living without the distraction of those pains.      The tone of "The Weary Blues" is quite dark and melancholy. This matches the sorrowful theme of the poem. Sound patterns play a key role in this poem. They enhance the already somber mood by way of consonance, assonance, onomatopoeia, and rhyme patterns. Consonance is found within the first line of the poem. "Droning a drowsy?" brings a hard 'd' sound to... ...       O Blues! The end of each of the above lines has the long 'u' or 'oo' sound but doesn't exactly rhyme with the preceding line or lines. This off-rhyme gives this blues poem more dimension. With precise rhyme, the poem would seem too forced but with this off-rhyme, the true flow of the blues is apparent and works very well. Additionally, the near rhyme of the long 'u' or 'oo' sound reinforces, once again, the sorrowful and melancholy theme of the poem.      With the consistent use of consonance, assonance, onomatopoeia, and rhyme patterns of "The Weary Blues," Langston Hughes produces a poem with a great deal of emotion. The feelings of sadness and loneliness resonate throughout the poem. The long, lazy melodies and ornate rhythmical patterns of jazz music and the blues are really brought to life in "The Weary Blues" via Hughes' intricate workings of sound patterns that are cleverly implemented in every nook of the poem. Because of these descriptive sound words, I can almost picture myself walking down Lenox Avenue and hearing the old piano man and his "Weary Blues." Bibliography: Hughes, Langston. Selected Poems. New York: Random House/Vintage Books, 1987.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Bumpy Road for Toyota
Just-in-time philosophy, focused on consistent quality improvement, propelled Toyota to become a leading global car manufacturer. However, its global expansion and limited number of experts relative to its global operations weakened this focus in North America.While Toyota remains a competitive automobile manufacturer, it experienced recurring periods of decline in its quality standing. Now, it has to strengthen its JIT philosophy.Toyota’s focus on quality is consistent with the just-in-time philosophy. JIT means eradicating or decreasing to the least possible level wastage in the production process. By doing so, the company can pursue a range of outcomes including decrease in inventory, cost reduction, error minimization, and high quality. Quality is an outcome of implementing JIT while the focus on quality is a path to implementing JIT.Toyota’s achievement of a high quality standing during its peak periods is a testament to the focus on quality as a possible means of implementing JIT (Bozarth and Handfield 547). It is also possible to implement JIT without a strong quality focus. Reducing inventory, minimizing cost and eradicating error could also be paths in implementing JIT. However, these paths including quality are interrelated and reinforcing so that the focus on other paths still require the achievement of a certain level of quality especially in minimizing errors and reducing costs.The quality focus of Toyota worked because of its coordinators. These coordinators are mid-level managers in the manufacturing plants in Japan with decades of experience of the car company’s JIT philosophy called Toyota Production System (TPS) (Bozarth and Handfield 546).These coordinators played a key role in promoting TPS to Toyota’s employees because these oriented and trained the shop-floor managers and workers in the American manufacturing plant on ways of addressing actual issues emerging from the production line (547).This practical approac h encouraged innovativeness and responsiveness to lower wastage. Coordinators are difficult to replicate because their deep knowledge emerged from decades of experience. Time to develop coordinators is a luxury given the current need of Toyota to expand and boost production to meet growing demand.Hajime Oba differentiated Toyota’s TPS with the JIT strategy of the three automobile manufacturers in Detroit. He claimed that the JIT approach in Detroit is superficial since the intention was only to reduce inventory without really getting into the essence of JIT (Bozarth and Handfield 547).There is some truth to this. American car manufacturers operate more through textbook theories of efficiency, which implies using the least possible input in maximizing output, and with formality or impersonal management highlighting distinctions in task assignments, processes and systems. This necessarily leads to a different JIT approach relative to the Japanese perspective of JIT.The tenet â €˜haste makes waste’ captures the situation in Toyota’s Georgetown plant. In the 1990s, Toyota received recognition for high quality through automobile quality surveys (Bozarth and Handfield 547). Through the work of its coordinators, the Georgetown plant even received recognition as the second best in terms of the quality of cars manufactured in the plant (547). This propelled sales of Toyota cars in North America.The spike in demand pushed the plant to speed up production until it came to a point when quality suffered. With a limited number of coordinators for a large plant and language barriers, there was movement away from the TPS (547).In releasing the Camry, the company received many quality complaints from customers leading to the plummeting of its quality standing (548). Toyota is attempting to reassert the TPS in its Georgetown plant by recruiting a Japanese TPS expert to motivate middle managers to work the floor again.Toyota’s quality focused TPS h as worked and it still works. However, the automobile manufacturer needs to adjust implementation to consider its growth and expansion. Toyota needs to have sufficient coordinators and this time more American coordinators for the North American plant trained in its quality-based JIT philosophy.Work CitedBozarth, Cecil, and Robert Handfield. Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain     Management. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2007. Â
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Reflection and Refraction of Light Essay
Objective The purpose of this experiment is to prove the laws of reflection and refraction, and to determine the angle of the total internal reflection and the index of refraction in the experiment. Theory The theory being experimented in this procedure is that of Willebrord Snell. From his theory we understand that the incident ray, the normal line and the refracted ray all lie on the same plane. We also understand that the relationship is defined in a ratio with the following equation; Which means that the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction, I equal to the ratio of the speed of light in the original medium and the speed of light in the refracting medium. Procedure We set up the optics track, light source and the ray table. We then aligned the flat side of the mirror with the ray of light from the light source. We rotated the ray table in increments of 10 ÌŠ. The first set were done going clockwise. Once done we then did the same thing but going counterclockwise. This gave us the Angles of Reflection. FromThe two Angles of Reflection we were able to calculate the average Angles of Reflection, listed in Table 1. For the Law of Refraction, we replaced the mirror with a Acrylic cylindrical lens. We rotated the ray table clockwise by increments of 10ÌŠagain. We repeated the same measurements but instead with counterclockwise angles. From the two angles of refraction we were able to calculate the average angles of refraction. Finally, we aligned the flat side of the lens so that incoming light ray struck the cylindrical surface. We rotated the ray table until the refracted ray disappeared completely and only the reflected ray was visible. This is the angle of incidence. This gave us our angle of incidence theoretical value. From this we were also able to calculate the angle of refraction.
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